Celebrating 100 Years with New Furniture


Pieces of Furniture
Pounds of Surplus


Avalon K-12, part of the Long Beach Unified School District, prepared for its 100th anniversary by upgrading its campus, including replacing all student and teacher furniture. 

In collaboration with its logistics partners, Furniture Reuse Solutions (FRS) managed the redistribution of 855 pieces of surplus furniture to communities in need.

Project Description

The school’s remote island location presented significant logistical challenges and the project had to be completed before the start of the school year. We coordinated the movement of a 20-person crew and equipment to and from the island. Constant communication and precise scheduling were critical to preventing delays. 

We worked closely with the district, local freight companies, and barge operators to carefully coordinate the transportation and logistics. This involved managing the timing of barge arrivals and container movements on the island’s narrow roads. These efforts ensured the project stayed on track, despite the logistical complexities.


The project was completed on schedule, allowing the district to prepare for the new school year without delays. By partnering with FRS and its logistics partners, the district avoided the costs of storage and disposal. The surplus furniture, including chairs, desks, and tables, was donated through a global non-profit to support humanitarian efforts in Somalia.

Environmental Impact

Additionally, our efforts diverted over 11 tons of various materials from landfills, ultimately preventing the release of harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses that occur during decomposition and incineration. Reusing these materials conserves resources and energy that would otherwise be expended in producing new items, thus minimizing the overall carbon footprint associated with manufacturing and waste management.

Type Qty Weight
Chair 316 4,057
Stool 35 1,375
Desk 486 17,266
Table 18 7,265
Total 855 23,193

CO2e Offset

We achieved an estimated C02e offset of 123,807 kg which is equal to approximately:

Gallons of Gasoline
Pounds of Coal Burned
Miles Driven in a Car